About us

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

At Manha, we believe in the power of unity, love, and the inherent right to freedom for all. Our journey began with a vision to not just sell products but to spark conversations and create change.

The name "Manha" holds a special place in my heart. The decision to name our shop "Manha" came from a deeply personal place. It's named after my daughter, The name is a nod to my daughter, a constant reminder of the blessings she brought into our lives. Derived from the meaning "gift of Allah," Manha reflects the essence of everything we stand for.

Everything we offer, every creation we curate, is indeed a precious gift. It fuels our commitment to share the richness of Palestine, advocate for peace, and support causes that resonate with our values.

At Manha, it's about standing for something meaningful. We stand with Palestine, advocating for equal rights and the end of oppression. We envision a world where everyone, regardless of background, lives in harmony and with dignity.

Transparency and integrity are our guiding principles. A portion of every purchase you make goes towards supporting causes close to our hearts—empowering artisans and contributing to initiatives that champion peace and justice.

Join us on this meaningful journey. Support all businesses that are spreading the same msg. Together, let's raise awareness, foster understanding, and create a world where love, compassion, and freedom reign supreme.

Thank you for being a part of our story a story inspired by gratitude, love, and the unwavering belief in making a difference.

Jazakallah Khair